Laser & Light-Based Hair Removal Course


The cosmetic industry is constantly in high demand. Americans spent nearly $10.7 billion on cosmetic procedures in 2010. Of that total, almost $6.6 billion was spent on surgical procedures; $1.9 billion was spent on injectable procedures; $1.8 billion was spent on skin rejuvenation procedures; and almost $500 million was spent on other nonsurgical procedures including laser hair removal and laser treatment of leg veins. In short, a professional with a laser and light-based hair removal certification will continually be sought after.

Cosmetic minimally invasive procedures performed neared 8 million procedures in 2010. Nonsurgical procedures accounted for 83% of the total number of procedures performed representing 39% of total expenditures.

The top five minimally-invasive procedures were:

  • Botulinum Toxin Type A (2,437,165 procedures)
  • Hyaluronic acid (1,315,121 procedures)
  • Laser hair removal (936,270 procedures)
  • Laser skin resurfacing (562,706 procedures)
  • Chemical peel (493,896 procedures)

With a mixture of home study and hands on practical experience, Gulf Coast Academy will present you with the knowledge and training required to excel in this career that helps others’ self-esteem. Our laser and light-based hair removal program meets the Florida requirements to obtain this certification. After taking our classes, you will not only feel prepared to excel in your cosmetic career, you will feel confident.


This program is designed to train students to work as a facial specialist. Learn about maintaining health of the skin through massage and deep cleansing by using various machines and methods.

Our school has the latest equipment available including high frequency, galvanic, and micro-dermabrasion machines. Classroom instruction will help you recognize problems of the skin such as dryness, oiliness, acne, and the best way to treat these conditions, as well as treating and maintaining healthy skin.

Facial Specialist (Esrthetrician Course) Includes : High Frequency, Galvanic and Mircrodermabrasion $3500 Ultrasonic Scrubber, Add Service, RF Peels.


Dermaplaning is a gentle medical skin treatment that is performed by gently scraping the outermost layers of the epidermis, therefore, ridding it of dead skin cells, impurities, and debris. Dermaplaning exfoliates and regenerates new skin cells to leave the complexion smooth, soft and vibrant.

Microneedling treats fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, and many other skin texture conditions. This method can be used on all parts of the body including face, neck, décolletage, arms, hands, legs, abdomen, and back.

Advanced Esthetics – Medical. (Obaji) Dermaplaning, and Microneedling TCA/Jessner Peels $3900.